Happy Anniversary Anusara
The Anusara teachings and this community fill my heart and ever challenge mind and body. Much gratitude to John Friend, my teacher, and to all my friends on and off the mat. Now off to teach Level 2 @ 8:30,… (READ MORE)
The Anusara teachings and this community fill my heart and ever challenge mind and body. Much gratitude to John Friend, my teacher, and to all my friends on and off the mat. Now off to teach Level 2 @ 8:30,… (READ MORE)
I have spent most of my life practicing one thing or the other. What attracts me about practicing in the sense of complete absorption that it brings. For a time, the absorption can be enough. Ultimately, though, the absorption should… (READ MORE)
It was already hot when I went out into the garden after I sat for meditation. I try only to water every third day it does not rain and have used soil supplements such as “soil moist” to make that… (READ MORE)
One of the things that I love about a slow, therapeutic practice is the joy of delving into details. Seeking mastery and refinement of understanding can itself be exquisite, even when the subject matter is not of our choosing. Although… (READ MORE)
In classical yoga systems, we are taught that all the world is an illusion (maya) and the only thing that is “real” is Atman (spirit, the One). I do not subscribe to that belief, but I do believe in the… (READ MORE)
To find water deep enough for swimming and fresh enough for drinking in the desert is absolutely exquisite, sweet, refreshment. It is love, nectar, and bliss all at once. A half a mile away on foot in certain directions, this… (READ MORE)
It takes incredible strength to take on the sorrows and poisons of others. How many times have you witnessed someone who is awe-inspiringly dedicated to bringing out change to society, but does so at the expense of his or her… (READ MORE)
I went on Saturday evening after teaching two classes and a workshop. I arrived at the 5:20 show of Harry Potter just as the opening credits were rolling, having intentionally missed the ads and the trailers (17 minutes of them… (READ MORE)
If you are in town today and feeling the need for some R&R, please come join us at Capitol Hill Yoga (scroll down the page, past the Itsy Bitsy workshops, for SS info) today for this month’s Serenity Saturday. It… (READ MORE)
A work colleague of mine graciously said to me that he did not know how I got through certain meetings without yelling, he did not know if he could do it. I replied that lots of yoga helped. “Maybe I… (READ MORE)