Sign of Spring?
Cherry Blossoms
When I ventured out into the streets yesterday morning to get some air, greet some neighbors, and get some fresh vegetables if possible, I saw that a very large branch had come off of a cherry tree a block from… (READ MORE)
Abundance of Caution (Wm Penn House Class Cancelled Tonight, Tuesday, Feb 9th) (Web Copy of E-Mailing)
Dear , I went for a walk earlier when it was still reasonably warm and the sidewalks were pretty impassable in some places. The snow has begun and the slush is freezing into icy patches, and I expect it will… (READ MORE)
Winter Weather Advisory (Web Copy of News Mailing)
Dear Friends, As I sit inside writing, listening to music, and preparing for a long afternoon yoga practice, I am filled both with gratitude for protection for the elements and an unflagging ability to amuse myself and complete awe at… (READ MORE)
What Would It Be Like
never to be able to come inside? I am reminded again how fortunate I am not only to have a warm, well-provisioned, pleasing place for me to bring my body inside and protected from the elements, but also for having… (READ MORE)
Full of Awe
A Moment of Insight (and suddha vidya)
A rather conservative co-worker, who was one of the people who would have to go grocery shopping last night lest the family be without perishable food for a few days, was talking to me about the impending snowstorm (including me… (READ MORE)
It Takes a Snowflake
It is almost inconceivable to my limited mind how many snowflakes it took to whiten our world yesterday morning. This weekend, there will be far more snow (alas, it will be too cold to stick to the trees and create… (READ MORE)
The Other Side of the Building
This is the view from the corridor just outside my office door. On the left is the Tax Court. On the right, is the homeless shelter where Mitch Snyder, advocate for the homeless, committed suicide. In between, the highway emerges… (READ MORE)