Because It Was a Beautiful Night
It was a beautiful night, so I went for a longish walk after work. I found myself drawn to the two “Occupy DC” locations — Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square (shown). If it had been cold and cloudy, as it… (READ MORE)
Remember When
Remember when these would have been costly and exciting toys–the latest technology–that would have been protected from theft and breakage. Now they are just a pile of partly toxic garbage, replaced by the newest exciting and expensive gadget. I do… (READ MORE)
Good Morning, Moon
As the nights get longer and colder and darker, it can be very tempting to hibernate. It is not a bad thing to focus more on the indoor things, but for health and happiness make sure to get out and… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
How Big Is the Light?
Just as the sun can appear to be caught in a tree though we know it is exponentially larger than any tree, so too, the great unifying principles can appear to be smaller and caught in the challenges of the… (READ MORE)
Morning Fog
I was greeted this morning by a gentle fog. It is the softness of fog that I love. Sometimes perfect acuity glares, just as technicolor was louder than reality and disturbed perception. A good fog lets one slip into an… (READ MORE)
. . . Batman!
Another Opportunity to Practice Yoga
Another opportunity. Another opportunity to soften, another opportunity to open to what is possible within limits as I attempt to work with yet another interface for the same blog. If the machines did not tell you, would you be able… (READ MORE)