This Morning’s Randomly Selected Puja Card
Signs Around Town/Found Exhortation
An exhortation if we take it as a reminder that every moment is an opportunity to act gracefully and to respond graciously and to find and offer the highest good, no matter the challenge. Oh yes, I exhort myself. Peace… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden (Out of Doors and Inside)
ripe cayenne, unripe cayenne, arugula, black cherokee tomato, kale, red leaf lettuce, snow pea shoots, grape tomatoes, spinach, leaf lettuce, carrots, more snow peas, licorice mint, marigold, romaine lettuce, turnip, beets, green garlic, rose, orchids, night-blooming cereus, various tropical plants,… (READ MORE)
Crescent Moon
Why I Stuck With Tradition for the Thanksgiving Day Yoga Fundraiser
When I selected Oxfam to be the donee of the proceeds from my first Thanksgiving Day Yoga Fundraiser ten years ago, I took into account that its mission is to “create[] lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and injustice,” which seemed… (READ MORE)
Thanksgiving Yoga (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, I am perhaps a little late in sending out this announcement. The time when I usually would have sent it was smack in the middle of the enmeshed and engulfing energies of the election and Hurricane Sandy. In… (READ MORE)