My New Next Door Neighbor (And Thoughts on Moksha)
Signs Around Town (Excerpt)
Tantra–Work in Progress?
330 Million Gods (Mas o Menos)
In which I encounter some more of the 330 million gods (mas o menos). (Notes: (1) Hindu philosophy speaks of 330 million gods, i.e. a bigger number than we can actually get our minds around, one for every person, giving… (READ MORE)
Kashmir Shaivism (and Ecstatic Fatalism)
I have been told more than once that one cannot technically be a true practitioner/believer in the tenets of Kashmir Shaivism without believing in some form of Godhead. As a nontheist who still finds the teachings and practices informative and… (READ MORE)
Tattva Theory (Variation)?
Miami En Route to Havana
As I have been getting prepared to travel to Cuba the best way I know how–reading, watching films, and talking to friends and acquaintances who are Cuban or are otherwise connected to Cuba–I have been thinking much about how a… (READ MORE)
Thinking About Gratitude
When I was walking to work this morning, trying not to get enmeshed in anxiety about the stresses of the day to come, I invited myself to practice gratitude (and not just being grateful for having only first world problems)…. (READ MORE)