When Little Changes Can Be Big
This past Sunday I went to an afternoon workshop with Leslie Kaminoff. Though I was familiar with his book and I follow what he has to say about yoga anatomy on Facebook, I had not ever studied directly with him. … (READ MORE)
Message From a Teabag
This morning, a friend suggested that if he took into account the needs of others when making plans, all he would be doing is serving others, and he would never get to do what he wants. “Why would I want… (READ MORE)
Promises Around Town (and Satcitananda?)
Found Fortunes Around Town
Signs Around Town (Excerpt)
Advice from a Spammer (and Niralamba?)
“Write more, that’s all I have to say.” There were several more lines of text, but none so coherent or compelling as this. Yes, spammer, I would like to be writing more imaginatively and more about the yoga here and… (READ MORE)
Drought-Pattern Clouds (Sure Are Pretty)
Signs Around Town
A yogin who is embodiment-oriented might enjoy, as part of the great dance of being, appreciating something as being enchanting. But to let oneself be carried away enchanted or to seek enchantment heedless of the consequences seems quite the antithesis… (READ MORE)