Food for the Mind (Yoga Philosophy, etc)

Contemplations on readings and yoga philosophy.

“Holiday Madness” (and the Yamas and Niyamas of Patanjali)

When I googled (that should not be a verb) “holiday madness”  this morning, I got one million three hundred thousand hits.  Yikes!  Most relevant websites are about surviving shopping, over-eating, family, and travel.  Madness in such a situation is a… (READ MORE)


What is “really” yoga?

Gopi Krishna, in this book The Awakening of Kundalini, writes:  “Yoga exercises can also be directed toward worldly objectives.  There are exercises that are conducive to the health and efficiency of the mind, others that lead to psychic gifts, and… (READ MORE)


Pratyabijna Hrdayam Sutra 17 (and organic energy)

The 17th sutra is “madhya vikasha cittananda labhah,” which is translated by Swami Shantananda as “the bliss of Consciousness is attained through expansion of the center.” Madyama, in our physical embodiment is the central channel, the sushumna nadi that runs… (READ MORE)


Organic Energy (the difference between “navel gazing” and making a difference)

There is a specific sequence to the major Anusara alignment principles even though ultimately we are doing all of the alignment principles simultaneously.  “Organic energy,” the action of reaching out and making offering is the fifth of the physical principles. … (READ MORE)
