Christmas Day Walkabout (Happy Boxing Day)
Walking Holiday
Walking has always been my preferred form of getting from one place to another; if time and distance require it, I intersperse a lift from bus, metro, or taxi on one end or in the middle of a walk. All… (READ MORE)
Neighborhood Holiday Lights Charity Challenge
How we collectively yearn for the light, though we seek it in different ways! For anyone who can tell me exactly where I took each of these photos, I will give a donation to charity in your name (total for… (READ MORE)
Peak of the Eclipse with my Point and Shoot (and while out on the street, we also got to see a drug deal go down)
For finer photos, take a look on line at what photographers with big lenses and tripods (or maybe even telescopic cameras) have done. If I’d gone for a walk, I could have taken a picture of a big red moon… (READ MORE)
Before the Eclipse
Watching the Clouds Dissipate
Tonight (technically very early tomorrow morning), will be the first full lunar eclipse on the winter solstice in 350 years. Part of me wants the sky to be clear so that I can witness this extraordinary event. The other part… (READ MORE)
Teaching Less to Practice More
This morning is the last Saturday in the foreseeable future when, even waking up before dawn, I have to cut short my morning practice to get on the metro to go teach. I have a strong memory of a relatively… (READ MORE)
Brahmacharya, Civic Responsibility, and Enlightened Self-Interest
I saw this water main break while I was walking to work this morning. Several people walked past it without a glance–could they really not have noticed? It looked relatively recent because the puddle was still modest and had not… (READ MORE)