My Own Personal Cloud (and the Malas)
Last night another storm front passed us by with only a trace of rain, leaving us deeper in drought. The wind picked up, the temperature dropped, and the clouds scattered, leaving the sky scrubbed bright blue and the air fresh. … (READ MORE)
Early Bulbs Coming Up
New Leaves on Roses
As I enjoy the briefly warmish weather before it is cold again tomorrow, I delight in the very earliest signs of spring (check out the leaves starting on the rose bushes all around town) and remember why I love this… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Whispers of Spring
Look very closely on this wintry day, with ice still caking the sidewalks and the news full of the next winter storm, and promises of spring are visible. I have not seen any bulbs coming up yet, though with the… (READ MORE)
Overheard on the Street
Snow In
Found Exhortation (this week’s DOL elevator poster)
Daniel Webster Statue (and Siva tattva)
On the column that supports this bas-relief and a larger than life standing portrait of Daniel Webster, is engraved: “liberty and union now and forever one and inseparable.” Kind of sounds like a description of the absolute consciousness, the one… (READ MORE)