Hot Pavement, Discarded Gum, Lucky Penny
Living Mindfully in a Heat Wave, Ahimsa, and “Opening to Grace”
Ahimsa, which is the first of the yamas in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and thus is the first practice or principle of the eight-limbed path, is usually translated as non-violence or non-harming. Over my years of practice and study, I have… (READ MORE)
Great Gary Snyder Quote (and Sadhana)
My friend Dan just posted on his blog a great Gary Snyder quote on the need to do maintenance (of the self) in order to be most creative. The idea that we need to maintain our tools and toolbox, as… (READ MORE)
Guacapacho — or is it Gazpamole?
Puree in a blender or food processor: peeled cucumber (seeded if necessary; use peels to garnish drinks if peels aren’t bitter) tomatoes of any mix of colors: assorted garden herbs and greens (based on taste and availability); a sweet pepper… (READ MORE)
More Things to Like About Extreme Heat
1. A fine appreciation for anything that provides shade–even a highway. 2. The most outrageous of outfits is perfectly acceptable as long as it simultaneously is cool and provides protection from the sun. 3. Homemade popsicles. Last batch–creamy cantelope-orange (pureed… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (Biblical, Up the Street from the White House)
Angel Clouds
Waste Not, Want Not
As the child of Depression era parents, I was taught to use every bit of the food that we bought. I was an impoverished scholarship student for the first eight years I lived on my own. I also started paying… (READ MORE)