Thought-Provoking Blog Post on Debate
In the tantric philosophy, one of the aspects ascribed to the ultimacy of being itself is that it is completely free (svatantriya). Even when elemental being manifests itself as limited in time and space (as humans for example), it is… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Seasonal)
As I was noticing the decorations going up around the neighborhood about witches, ghosts, vampires, and ghouls, I found myself reflecting that as in the cultures that brought us Halloween, Indian folk tales are replete with stories of yogis who… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Not just rubber surfaces, but muscles, bones, and ligaments. Please don’t wear heels or if you feel you must, then only while sitting, reclining, or attending costume parties. By choosing not to wear high heels, You will stave off not… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town
Householder Yoga (and Getting Out to Vote)
To be a tantrica does not mean wild and indifferent sensual indulgence. On the contrary, it means fully engaging in all of life. A tantric life is one in which everything one does–work, family, relationship, consumption, citizenship–is steadily and progressively… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
A number of years ago I had a conversation with a cherished friend and co-worker who is no longer in this body. I was explaining to her the yoga practice of samtosha (contentment), which is one of the five niyamas… (READ MORE)