Found Question
What does it mean to be ok? How often do we say that we are ok for the purpose of avoiding saying how things really are at the time? These questions are ones I ponder on a not infrequent basis…. (READ MORE)
Found Quotation
Today’s Puja Card
On My Walk Home From Work
With his camera, I took three pictures of one monk smiling At the Capitol. He was in his orange robe. I took One picture with my phone. Of three monks. Or Perhaps they were two monks and an accolyte. Here… (READ MORE)
Found Quotation
Found Quotations
Found Objects Around Town
Found Exhortation
By all means, wish. But then contemplate, evaluate, explore, and act. For as we know, merely wishing won’t make it so and many of our wishes are not what we really want when we think about the work to effectuate… (READ MORE)
Sometimes, the Concern is Not the Risk Warned Of, But the Making of the Warning
For example, I am not concerned with the risk of being filled up by Satan (that’s Satan with a capital “S”) because of practicing yoga. But I am deeply concerned that the people quoted as making such warnings are seeking or are… (READ MORE)