Cut Roses
It is a delight to be arriving at the time of season when cutting roses (in advance of dead-heading) and harvesting edibles (to make way for more growth) is a large part of tending the garden–full on reciprocal nurturing. Peace… (READ MORE)
“I don’t know,
Good Information on Companion Planting
In the plant world, we recognize that some plants get along more beneficially than others and some are better kept apart. Hmmm. Here is some good information that I just saw on one of the list serves I read on… (READ MORE)
Morning Walk at the National Arboretum (Happy May Day)
When I was walking about yesterday, I thought I could not bear to leave the exuberance of DC’s spring. Only my house sitter would be able to watch all the new seedlings coming up in my garden. I would miss… (READ MORE)
Breakfast Greens from the Garden
Another Person’s Treasure
“Just a little green…”
A neighbor who lives in the top floor of the building across the street, and thus has a spectacular view of the maples in front of my house writes: “The buds on your tree are more numerous than yesterday, and… (READ MORE)