Signs/Objects Around Town (Dirksen Senate Office Building)
Because the Senate, like any group sharing an office building, would need a little love if the fire department is wanted. Come to think of it, the Senate needs a little love all the time; I like this heart being… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden (And Anecdotal Evidence of Extreme Weather Occurrences Due to Global Climate Change)
Scheduled to arrive some time tomorrow is one of those impossible to forecast until it is happening because how fast the storm travels and a variance in its track of even 50-100 miles north or south, or east or west… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town (and Spanda?)
Advisories Around Town
This sign was posted in a corridor in a federal government office building I went to this morning for a meeting. Without getting into any details, a colleague and I acknowledged how telling the need for the sign. The sound… (READ MORE)