My long-time friend and yoga/meditation buddy Suzanne Lynch extended a warm invitation to lead a practice on her nascent on-line yoga and wellness platform for the next difficult several weeks, and feeling a strong need for such myself and a calling to make offering, I extend the invitation to you:
On-Line Practices October 17-November 28, 2020–Saturday Mornings from 8:30 to 9:45am with Suzanne Lynch Wellness
Please join me, Suzanne, and her wonderful group of practitioners to focus time to maintain our collective grounding so we can better be of service to others, while taking care of ourselves. Practices will be omni-level, with the intention of being inclusive for all bodies (and a warm welcome to feed back to help make it more so) and will include intentional movement and asana, breath and body awareness explorations, meditation, perhaps a dance move here and there, and the connection that comes from live classes–even if by video.
To participate in the practices, you will need to become a member on Suzanne’s website, which requires a monthly fee. In addition with practice with me (at $27 a month, that works out to about $7 a practice, even if you were only to do practices led by me, but I expect you would do more; Suzanne offers 12 live asana practices a month, plus live meditation twice a week, and access to videos for all practices. I like Suzanne’s classes, and those of you who have practiced with me will recognize shared points of practice and teaching methodology.
To sign up, go to Suzanne Lynch Wellness and register for the Reset for Resiliency course. Your code for the special rate of $27 per month (you can cancel any time) is: Elizabeth27. Any challenges signing up, please contact customer service through the SGL website. Any profits that are attributable to my leading these practices will be donated to causes that serve justice and equality and wellness for all.
Hope to connect with many of you.