Message from a Bird
When we were little kids, my mother told us that feathers we found were messages from birds. When we found a particularly pretty feather, we would pick it up and give it to my mother who would then read the… (READ MORE)
Petting the Temple Cows
After a day of teaching and more discussion and emails regarding the upheaval, I had a memory of petting one of the temple cows at Chidambaram. I was jetlagged and in sensory overload, and then I petted a most wonderful… (READ MORE)
Magnolias Just Opening
What Better Time? (Web Version of E-Letter)
Dear Friends, I hope those of you who are local were able to get out and enjoy the unseasonable warmth and the badly needed rain. After work, I took a most delightful walk in the rain on my way to… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (and Statuary)
What An Exquisite Gift
Para, Apara, Para Para?
Would the Sky Look Different to You?
The sky was a very pretty mixture of blue and fluffy clouds this morning. The first photo I took did not have the Capitol in the corner because the sky was just a little more lustrous and variegated facing more… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
I thought about not posting this because of the lack of parallel construction, and then decided the grammatical flaw was outweighed by the message. Just infer the word “have” before faith. 🙂 Peace and light, E — Posted with WordPress… (READ MORE)