Food for the Mind (Yoga Philosophy, etc)

Contemplations on readings and yoga philosophy.

Health Care Reform, Brick-Throwing, Death Threats (and Svatrantrya)

One of the six fundamental aspects of being (sat) in the “Shiva-Shakti” tantra that is the foundation of Anusara yoga is svatantrya — freedom.  (The others are cit, ananda, spanda, purnatva, sri). Freedom in this sense is an ultimate freedom… (READ MORE)


Samtosha (and the “Founding Fathers”)

I am subbing Fusion Flow tonight up at Willow Street. Natalie, for whom – am subbing, has been teaching the yamas and niyamas this session. She asked me to cover “samtosha” tonight. In contemplating this principle of practice again (it… (READ MORE)
