Shadow and Light
Not Yet Full Moon
What does it mean to see what is illusory? To see the illusion or to recognize that it is an illusion? Cultivate doubt, especially where you might expect illusion and delusion (such as political information on social media). Or when… (READ MORE)
330 Million Gods (Mas o Menos)
In which I encounter some more of the 330 million gods (mas o menos). (Notes: (1) Hindu philosophy speaks of 330 million gods, i.e. a bigger number than we can actually get our minds around, one for every person, giving… (READ MORE)
A Senate Majority with 41 Out of 100 (and Maya)
In classical yoga, the term maya, one of the meanings of which is “illusion,” refers to all of our embodied being — the physical, mental, and emotional. The perceptible world is not real; only spirit is real. In the tantric… (READ MORE)