Cabbage Butterfly
I was sitting at the kitchen table editing a document and drinking hot tea, when I heard a beating of wings against the window. It was in the inside, not the outside. A cabbage butterfly. I do not know how… (READ MORE)
I was sitting at the kitchen table editing a document and drinking hot tea, when I heard a beating of wings against the window. It was in the inside, not the outside. A cabbage butterfly. I do not know how… (READ MORE)
For the past week, I have been meditating on, practicing with, and teaching the water element in classes. Our health and the health of the planet depend on the water element being balanced. When our water element is in balance,… (READ MORE)
Last week Orie suggested that as I have a “Yoga for Gardeners” workshop, I should also do a “Yoga of Housekeeping” workshop. A blog post isn’t a workshop, but here are a few preliminary thoughts on yoga and housekeeping. From… (READ MORE)
I was talking to my Dad earlier today. My parents live on Long Island, where they are in the middle of getting three to six inches of snow. He said that the weather forecasters indicated that they were just missing… (READ MORE)
Voting is still open, see The White House Farmer. (Pretty sure this is a non-partisan position).
I have been thinking about perception and how as soon as we have more than one person looking at the same thing, each person has a different story, a different truth, a different explanation. Add to that the mysterious systems… (READ MORE)
The first of the mahabhutas is prithvi or earth. When I think of the earth element, I think of stability, grounding, earthiness, nurture. My experience is that I can more deeply connect to this element in ourselves by emphasizing what… (READ MORE)
For the past hour or so, one of my neighbors has been shoveling the sidewalk. He is a young teenager; for a while a younger girl was out with him, too. They both had shovels and were working pretty vigorously. … (READ MORE)
As I write, big fat flakes of snow are falling against a pale gray sky that is struggling to turn to daylight. It is too early to know how much of the storm will be snow or freezing rain or… (READ MORE)
I spent a few hours this weekend reading Joseph Campbell’s Baksheesh and Brahman, which is Campbell’s journals from a year in India from 1954-55 (I’m now about a third of the way through). Campbell writes that he went to India… (READ MORE)