On Sadhana
What Are You Going to Do With It?
It Was a Night to Stay In, But I Needed to Go Out
It was not the kind of night to go across town to run an errand, but it was one that could not wait until after I cam back from vacation (picking up my passport from the company that processes visas… (READ MORE)
Puddles (and Prakasha and Vimarsha)
In the tantric yoga philosophy, two key concepts are that of prakasha and vimarsha–light and reflection. Prakasha is the fullness of the light of consciousness itself; vimarsha, the reflection of the light that is our own individual recognition of the… (READ MORE)
New Toy (and Samskaras)
The guy in the Apple store in Georgetown who showed me why I really wanted to walk out of the store with the IPad 2 had never heard the song “New Toy.” The year it came out, I was in… (READ MORE)
108 Sun Salutations and Four Two-Minute Handstands (more or many fewer) and Samskara Revisited
Last night at group practice, after doing a centering focused on using yoga to dissolve samskaras (see yesterday’s blog post on this topic), I told the group how I had been inspired by a Facebook exchange between Noah Maze and… (READ MORE)
Fraying at the Seams (and Samskaras)
I have spent most of the last three days working from home so that I could be on site while repairs ensuing from the earthquake and hurricane were done. I’ve been luckier than most in the path. The damages I… (READ MORE)
Late Summer Newsletter–Web Version (Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and the Three A’s)
Dear Friends, After a summer of drought, we just experienced inside the Beltway the power when the earth shudders and shakes in an east coast earthquake of unusual magnitude. Now, less than a week after the earthquake, I take appropriate… (READ MORE)
National Cathedral
As I witnessed my cozy house shaking and rattling in this my first really measurable earthquake, I got a much deeper appreciation of just how quickly things can fall apart despite apparent solidity. It felt clear to my very core… (READ MORE)