A Favorite Sculpture (and the missing mentor)
I have been walking past this sculpture regularly ever since I was a judicial clerk in 1987-1988. It is in the plaza between the Federal and DC court houses. It is dated in the subject matter. The partner-associate relationship has… (READ MORE)
(Documenting) the Real and the Unreal
Making Themselves At Home
Sully and Uma have been here for 10 days. It’s true that the cat tree came with them, but it is amazing how quickly they adapted to a new space and a new person, given that they are middle-aged. Part… (READ MORE)
Art, Science, and Mystical Experience
The extraordinary blossoming of Spring is springing! Witnessing this great effulgence can help us understand the potential of practice, all of which is intended to lead us to an inner effulgence of bliss so that we can bring it out… (READ MORE)
Experiment (photo taken on Blackberry transferred to home computer)
A Favorite Tree
New Spinach (and Udyamo Bhairava)
The fifth sutra in Abhinavagupta’s Siva Sutras, is “udyamo bhairava” — the great upsurge of consciousness. When we are open and aware, we can witness this upsurge, the very pulsing of life energy in all that is in and around… (READ MORE)