One Love
There are several heart-shaped holes in the sidewalks on my usual haunts. A number have gotten progressively more heart-shaped over a period of months. Who are the good fairies who are chipping away at things to remind us of the… (READ MORE)
to see what is there, you have to be looking
Lightening Long Branch Creek with Willow Street Yogins
I woke and dressed myself as early as if it were a work day to take the metro and then the bus to the little playground/park where we entered the creek. It was already promising today’s humid heat in the… (READ MORE)
beauty is where you find it
We have a choice. We can emphasize what we don’t think enhances life (for example, an over-sized, gas-guzzling, suburban SUV with city plates) or we can focus on an exquisite reflection of beauty. That we see what optimally would better… (READ MORE)
Train Ride Home from Teachers’ Gathering (Cary, NC to Washington, DC)
In Case You Were Wondering How Uma and Sully Are Settling In
High Desert Light
One of the things I like best about going west for a retreat is being able to relish with ease the time before and at sunrise. At home, I sometimes sleep through dawn once the days get long. The light… (READ MORE)
Azalea Walk at the National Arboretum (and Sadhana)
As it is every year, the Azalea Walk at the National Arboretum fills me with joy and wonder. “Was it really this splendid last year?” one of my companions asked. “I go every year,” she said, “but I forget how… (READ MORE)
The Front Garden
I don’t talk much about my front garden because it is not as exciting for me as the back garden with its edibles and herbs. I give a sincere effort to make the front garden beautiful and welcoming since it… (READ MORE)