A “Mending Party”
A woman on a list serve I read invited others to a “mending party.” “How delightful,” I thought. I have a few things in my mending basket. I usually use mending or knitting time as an opportunity to sit and… (READ MORE)
A woman on a list serve I read invited others to a “mending party.” “How delightful,” I thought. I have a few things in my mending basket. I usually use mending or knitting time as an opportunity to sit and… (READ MORE)
For those of us living fully in our modern material world, as I am, it is important to think not so much about denying ourselves things or giving them up, but rather, seeing how we can make shifts to living… (READ MORE)
I slept last night in the room that I slept in as a child. My mother now uses the room to store some of the vestiges of her old antiquing business. The carpet, wallpaper, and curtains from the 1960’s are… (READ MORE)
I witnessed this family standing on the train platform while I was listening to a teleseminar from Paul Muller-Ortega on the “four stages of the word.” That a family dressed this way was waiting for the train gave rise to… (READ MORE)
Green Festival is coming to DC again on October 23-24. If you’ve never been (and are in town), it is always enjoyable, if only for the snacks and the comaraderie (odds are high you will bump into people you know). … (READ MORE)
I print the correspondence below not so much to ask you to give, nor to let you know that I made a donation, but to initiate a discussion on what motivates you to make a donation of money? What about… (READ MORE)
In 2000 or 2001, shortly before I started practicing Anusara yoga, a teacher who regularly played music in class, played for us a recording of Alice Coltrane singing a tantric chant to Siva and the Goddess Bhuvaneshvari. I only heard… (READ MORE)
I am writing this from the terrace area of the Shakespeare Theater, in between parts two and three of “The Great Game: Afghanistan.”. It is a testament to the quality of the writing, acting, and production that we still feel… (READ MORE)