The Hair Pat-Down
When I was going through airport security today in San Francisco on my way to Los Angeles, the security guard made me stop. She patted my hair all around my neck and then let me go. I had read an… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
For Everyone
Found Exhortation?
Signs Around Town (San Francisco Style)
Even If We Hate to Admit It
What Are You Going to Do With It?
Ten Years Ago Today
Ten years ago today I was in Peru”s sacred valley. I was walking the spiral meditation garden at the retreat center where I was staying when the owner called out to me, “America has been attacked! The others said you… (READ MORE)
It Was a Night to Stay In, But I Needed to Go Out
It was not the kind of night to go across town to run an errand, but it was one that could not wait until after I cam back from vacation (picking up my passport from the company that processes visas… (READ MORE)