About Money and Leisure and the Spiritual Quest (and the 99 percent)
Spiritual pursuit is, in a great sense, a luxury. Without enough time and money for leisure, when and how would we explore spirit? But where else would we find solace if not in spirit when we are suffering from deprivation?… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Lessons in Non-Attachment (Compliments of RIM)
After 27 hours, plus or minus a few minutes–but who is counting–service was restored to my Blackberry this morning. The reason I had a Blackberry instead of an IPhone in the first instance was because I preferred CREDO (which donates… (READ MORE)
Health Care Crisis in Progress
At “Taste of DC” here come (not in any particular order): 1. Respiratory diseases from air pollution resulting from cooking methods, factory farmed meat, manufacture of packaging, and food transportation. 2. Antibiotic resistance from factory farmed meat. 3. Diabetes from… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Temporary and Illegal)
How to Wear a Sari
I just got an email telling us things I need to know about wearing a sari and related dress and grooming items. Today, I saw a demo on the bus: Shoulders covered–check Chest covered–check Ankles covered–check Hair pulled back and… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town (Not Me)
Win a Free Yoga Class (Where is This?)
If you can tell me where I was standing when I took this picture (street corner–that’s a hint–is sufficient; latitude and longitude not needed), your next Tuesday night yoga class is free. Please email rather than comment so you don’t… (READ MORE)