Signs Around Town
Signs Around Town (Canandaigua)
Tantra–Work in Progress?
Statuary Around Town
Spam of the Day (Reformatted Into Haiku)
A Bit of Beauty
330 Million Gods (Mas o Menos)
In which I encounter some more of the 330 million gods (mas o menos). (Notes: (1) Hindu philosophy speaks of 330 million gods, i.e. a bigger number than we can actually get our minds around, one for every person, giving… (READ MORE)
Kashmir Shaivism (and Ecstatic Fatalism)
I have been told more than once that one cannot technically be a true practitioner/believer in the tenets of Kashmir Shaivism without believing in some form of Godhead. As a nontheist who still finds the teachings and practices informative and… (READ MORE)