Angels We Have Heard on High?
The Clouds Are Magnificent Today
Signs Around Town (Partial View)
Holiday Schedule and Greetings (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, Best wishes to all whatever your holidays are bringing and however you might be celebrating. I write this in the midst of days full with preparing for my much anticipated travel to India with Professor Douglas Brooks, where… (READ MORE)
It’s Like This
No Matter
Whether it is cold or hot, cloudy or clear, and no matter how sad or sick or tired or busy I might be, the dance of light and shadow and pattern of the trees against the sky brings joy to… (READ MORE)
Sculpture (Including Statuary) Around Town
Preparing for Thanksgiving Eve Practice
When I get the studio ready for Wednesday night yoga class, I pick a puja card. I shuffle the cards and then pick a card from somewhere in the middle of the stack. More often than not, the card is… (READ MORE)
Curiouser and Curiouser…
Last night, I took some lovely photos in the rain when I was walking to get a massage (it is pretty awesome to get a massage on a Monday night; try it sometime and see how it changes your perspective… (READ MORE)