Reminder–No Class Tuesday July 2nd (and Svatantriya)–Web Version of E-Mailing
Dear Friends, Just a friendly reminder that there’s no practice at William Penn House or the house next week. I’ll be off exercising the civil liberties currently available by traveling with my beloved to upstate New York to participate in… (READ MORE)
Yoga Ideas Best Put Aside
I just received a yoga email advertising classes and workshops that quoted a well-respected teacher as saying not to listen to your mind and to listen only to your heart. I respectfully disagree. I do believe that if we listen… (READ MORE)
Never Mind What Might Be Happening On The Ground
Where to Start Optimal Alignment in Yoga Asana
With Morning Tea on the Catio
Signs Around Town
It may be true that power that gives power over corrupts, but being empowered is liberating. The yoga, when practiced as part of an ethical life, is empowering. But beware those who claim that “enlightenment” frees one from behaving with… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
The artist who penned this exhortation here was highly unlikely to have intended it to have anything to do with “udyamo bhairava“–roughly, the upsurging of capitol “C” Consciousness. Siva Sutras I.5. But if one were in the mood, one (not… (READ MORE)