Rainy Day
Cool. Rain. Good.
When the news is mostly Bad, and the ground has been Parched into dust, and tree Leaves are withered brown with- Out the solemn beauty Of Autumn flame. When the Cycle of dissolution Doesn’t take the course Seeming most benevolent…. (READ MORE)
There’s Alot of Yard Work Going On
When we were winding up and preparing to be locked out of our jobs, I said to a co-worker that I planned to get out a stepstool and clean the cat hair off of the ceiling fans. He replied that… (READ MORE)
The clouds are thin
In the garden before Tuesday night practice at William Penn House.
Soon after this article on making your own pickles was published in the New York Times, a friend and mentor sent it to me. Though she is a mentor for reiki and energetic practices, and I see her regularly for… (READ MORE)