Heat Advisory (and Gratitude)
It was already hot when I went out into the garden after I sat for meditation. I try only to water every third day it does not rain and have used soil supplements such as “soil moist” to make that… (READ MORE)
It was already hot when I went out into the garden after I sat for meditation. I try only to water every third day it does not rain and have used soil supplements such as “soil moist” to make that… (READ MORE)
The Isha Upanishad starts, “That is fullness (purna). This is fullness. Fullness comes from fullness. Take fullness from fullness, and the remainder is fullness.” My maternal grandfather died when I was just a toddler, so I never got to know… (READ MORE)
Sometimes when I am blogging about my garden — the joys I experience and its wonderful produce — I feel like I might be presumptuous. I am no Christoper Lloyd or Alice Waters. I just have a tiny space behind… (READ MORE)
Could not resist the french name. More fun than summer local vegetable stew. An alternative name could be: how to make three okra and six beans into dinner for two. Or maybe four. When I was out in the garden… (READ MORE)
The third front in a row. It is starting to be a long while not to rain in the summer. It is a tough gardening year: extreme drought conditions all winter, overly cool and wet spring, now no rain again…. (READ MORE)
This morning while I was out in the garden, I heard a chirping right above my head. Within arm’s reach was a bright red male cardinal perched among the grapes effusively talking. (I planted a tiny red, concord grape vine… (READ MORE)
I wanted to share this article on “ecotherapy,” a term I had not heard before. I found the article interesting because for years now, I have gradually practiced all the elements listed in the article as treatment for depression, not… (READ MORE)
Vinyasa krama is the art of sequencing. How a yoga practice or flow is sequenced can determine whether it is uplifting or inward going, exhilarating or calming. When we are trained and attentive, we start to know the most optimal… (READ MORE)
I am looking forward to going out to the garden to forage for things to bring to work with my lunch. I know there will be at least four or five tomatoes, and I am expecting a small cucumber. The… (READ MORE)
Look before you weed: some plants you are throwing out or composting might make a great addition to your diet. Purslane and dandelion greens make a delicious addition to the other greens in my garden — chard, spinach, arugula, mache,… (READ MORE)