A “Mending Party”
A woman on a list serve I read invited others to a “mending party.” “How delightful,” I thought. I have a few things in my mending basket. I usually use mending or knitting time as an opportunity to sit and… (READ MORE)
Spam of the Day
Asana Practice and Digitalis
During last night’s yoga practice, we were exploring how advanced yoga postures such as headstand drop-overs could have therapeutic applications. If the practitioner is able to do the poses preparatory to the pose (for headstand drop-over to be accessible in… (READ MORE)
Web Version of October E-Newsletter
Dear Friends, Much of the conversation for the past few days has been about the weather. Some people have talked about how much they hate the heat and how excited they are about the coming of cool weather. Others are… (READ MORE)
A Short Video
Samskara (and the awesome and the awful)
Those of you who have been attending my classes for the past couple of weeks already know that my overall theme for the fall session is cultivating a sense of wonder (abhuta). Feeling wonder is one aspect of the Anusara… (READ MORE)
Morning After
I wish I could harvest this water somehow. Why is it that we so often appear to have too much or too little of what we need and what we yearn for? How do we find a sense of balance… (READ MORE)
Tropical Storm
We’ve had many inches of rain today, strong winds, and tornado warnings. This morning I got a call from my handy man that the drain under my back porch was stopped up and the basement was about to flood. He… (READ MORE)
Carbon-Free Website
For those of us living fully in our modern material world, as I am, it is important to think not so much about denying ourselves things or giving them up, but rather, seeing how we can make shifts to living… (READ MORE)