Holiday Schedule and Greetings (Web Version of E-Newsletter)
Dear Friends, Best wishes to all whatever your holidays are bringing and however you might be celebrating. I write this in the midst of days full with preparing for my much anticipated travel to India with Professor Douglas Brooks, where… (READ MORE)
Reflections on the Healing Process
What Did You Notice When You Started Your Day?
A Recent History of Willow Street Yoga Center
The winter 2012 Willow Street Newsletter is on-line. If you don’t already get it, please take a look at the great article by Suzie Hurley as she reflects on the history and development of Willow Street Yoga Center. I am… (READ MORE)
Have You Ever Seen a Woman Use a Leaf Blower?
There hasn’t been a day in the past two months when I haven’t needed to cover my nose, mouth, and ears because I needed to walk past someone using a leaf blower. They stink with burning fuel, stir up allergens,… (READ MORE)