You may have noticed that I do not say what I will be teaching. In my blogs and classes, when referring to the philosophy that inspires me, I speak of what I will be reading, what I will be contemplating, and what I will be exploring. It is not false humility. It is a recognition that reading and contemplating a work even several times over a few years is not enough to be “teaching” it. My teaching can, however, authentically be inspired by that level of exploration. I make offerings of what sparks me to think, to practice, and to want to continue to delve ever more deeply into the yoga practices.
This session, I will be reading, contemplating, and inspiring my own practices and my class plans from the Pratyabhijnahrdayam.
Pratyabhijnahrdayam: The Secret of Self-Recognition, J. Singh (Motalal Banarsidass Publishers, Reprinted 2008)
The Splendor of Recognition: An Exploration of the Pratyabhijna-hrdayam, Swami Shantananda with Peggy Bendet (SYDA Foundation, 2003)