Minding My Own Business–Sort Of (and Seva)
When I was walking to work this morning, I saw this man stretched out on the grass in Stanton Park. It was drizzling, but pleasant. I did not feel any need for an umbrella. The man was definitely breathing, and… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (2 of 2)
Found Exhortation (1 of 2)
Clover Blooming
I have never understand why some work hard to eradicate clover from their lawns (lawns being for the most part an ecological travesty) when an expanse of clover is so beautiful and easy. How much of our strength and energy… (READ MORE)
Found Declaration
Saying such, of course, does not make it so. I just read a review of a movie about a self-proclaimed guru. According to the review, central to the movie was the question whether or not it mattered if the guru… (READ MORE)
State of the Garden
How exciting to see not only what is ready to eat now — the greens and herbs and strawberries — but the promise of what will come throughout the summer, so long as my dedicated attentions continue; the weather is… (READ MORE)
Meditate Only for Its Own Sake
Last night I had the singular pleasure of hearing Gary Snyder read his poetry at the Folger Shakespeare Library. At the end of the reading, Mr. Snyder answered a few questions. In response to one question about advice he gives… (READ MORE)