Where to Start Optimal Alignment in Yoga Asana
Yes, I Knew Him (and the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra)
When my students arrived at William Penn House last night for class, I said, “yes, I knew him; they are both my co-workers.” I didn’t need to say anything else. All of them read the Washington Post and know that… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
It may be true that power that gives power over corrupts, but being empowered is liberating. The yoga, when practiced as part of an ethical life, is empowering. But beware those who claim that “enlightenment” frees one from behaving with… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
The artist who penned this exhortation here was highly unlikely to have intended it to have anything to do with “udyamo bhairava“–roughly, the upsurging of capitol “C” Consciousness. Siva Sutras I.5. But if one were in the mood, one (not… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation (and Sauca?)
In Between the In Between
Found Exhortation
By all means, wish. But then contemplate, evaluate, explore, and act. For as we know, merely wishing won’t make it so and many of our wishes are not what we really want when we think about the work to effectuate… (READ MORE)
Sometimes, the Concern is Not the Risk Warned Of, But the Making of the Warning
For example, I am not concerned with the risk of being filled up by Satan (that’s Satan with a capital “S”) because of practicing yoga. But I am deeply concerned that the people quoted as making such warnings are seeking or are… (READ MORE)
Thoughts on Attribution and Lineage
What do we mean, exactly, when we say a thing is “by” someone? Yes, we are attributing the thing’s creation to that someone. But how is something just by us when it is based on all the input and teachings… (READ MORE)