6:50am flight from BWI (I’ll be off of the computer until Monday)
I am lucky to have a non-stop. The storm is supposed to have passed through. So I can enjoy myself know matter what travel brings, I pack up a variety of reading materials — philosophy, handouts for the workshop, and… (READ MORE)
A Bit of Spam (and questions and revelation)
I received the following spam today: “????????? ??? ???? ???????, ???.” Not a bad one and certainly inoffensive. Although I deleted it, I copied the message first. For the past few days I’ve been thinking that sometimes the act of… (READ MORE)
Spirituality and Politics Do Mix (but maybe not at the Thanksgiving meal)
Yesterday I received a rather negative email in response to my posting a suggestion on a list serve connected to a religious organization that people write to their elected officials about the health care bill pending in the Senate. I… (READ MORE)
A Mighty Fine Pumpkin
“Holiday Madness” (and the Yamas and Niyamas of Patanjali)
When I googled (that should not be a verb) “holiday madness” this morning, I got one million three hundred thousand hits. Yikes! Most relevant websites are about surviving shopping, over-eating, family, and travel. Madness in such a situation is a… (READ MORE)
At Your Request (Grown Up Cranberry Sauce)
I was first taught how to make cranberry sauce in 3rd or 4th grade. We made the recipe off of the back of the bag, which recipe I am fairly certain is still on the bag of “conventionally grown” cranberries. … (READ MORE)
Fruits of Practice?
Recent Fortune?
Staying Indoors (or Not)
Of my friends on facebook, several reveled in staying inside because of the rain yesterday. Others complained about being unable to do things that would have been better on a dry day. Reporters and anchor persons seemed to think it… (READ MORE)