Signs Around Town
With compassion, love, and discrimination (in yoga viveka), we can do far more–for ourselves individually and for society and the planet’s ecosystem as a whole. If you haven’t already, please get out and vote. Peace and light, E — Posted… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
Uma Reclining on Her Throne
Found Objects Around Town
Society generally requires one to strive for and conform to certain conventions and expectations to be recognized and rewarded by it. To connect with the magical, fortunately, does not require any particular possessions. Peace and light, E — Posted with… (READ MORE)
Signs Around Town
A friend emailed me today that her children will be home for rest of the week because their schools lost power from Sandy, and that she is counting her blessings because she and her family came through fine. My parents,… (READ MORE)
Sidewalk Art Around Town (and Don’t Forget to Vote)
It seems timely for a new category to emerge (they manifest more than I create them intentionally) just as things are about to be soaked and spun about and tossed around. Be safe wherever you are and don’t forget to… (READ MORE)
Found Exhortation
Statuary Around Town
It Is Good
It is good, for those of us who live in the city, to make time to walk in the woods at least every once and a while, as well as to nurture trees in the city. Peace and light, E… (READ MORE)