A Guest at William Penn House
When I arrived at the William Penn House to teach yoga tonight, there were a couple of suitcases in the room. I asked one of the interns to help me move them. A guest came to help as one of… (READ MORE)
When I arrived at the William Penn House to teach yoga tonight, there were a couple of suitcases in the room. I asked one of the interns to help me move them. A guest came to help as one of… (READ MORE)
MoveOn just posted this Howard Zinn quote on Facebook: “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because… (READ MORE)
Last night at house practice, we were led to think about humility (in Sanskrit vinaya). Yoga, similar to religion, tends to privilege the idea of humility. From a one perspective, it is easy to think of the benefit that those… (READ MORE)
The sign may be temporary, but this is a state that I would want to be as long-lasting as possible. Yoga, well-practiced and studied, provides us with ever more resilience–one hopes a lifetime’s worth– to handle the wild vagaries of… (READ MORE)
Today, there were to be 1,000 artists at the inauguration. I saw a few of them on this weekend’s walkabout, and studied for a morning with a dancer and movement artist who was participating (David Lakein; contact improvisation workshop at… (READ MORE)