What If? (an Invitation)

What if for a whole day you did every single thing with the intention of becoming blissful? If you have them, taking care of pets or kids or elders? Every thing that you did at work? How you went from one place to another? Every morsel of food and drink you selected, prepared, and ate? All your errands? Your getting dressed and undressed? Your correspondence?

Would you even need to “practice yoga” by doing postures or meditating if you were living yoga–fully unifying the day to day with the conscious intention of experiencing the full bliss of consciousness at every moment?

Why not try it for a day and see what happens? And then let us know.



  1. Comrade Kevin

    I have often believed life would be easier for me if I’d have lived in a time where things were much slower paced.

    I can attain brief periods of calm, but the experience is often like having received a massage, then having to re-engage with the world. Eventually my shoulders grow just as tense as they were before.

  2. Tammy Sullivan

    I accept the invitation, and think it is a beautiful one. I will set the intention, knowing that even life, like yoga, is practice. So if I don’t succeed, I can always start again, without berating myself for falling short.
    Thank you for your inspiration!

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