Message in a Puddle?
Signs Around Town
Where There Used to Be a Tree, Now There’s a Puddle
There used to be more trees at the plaza in front of Eastern Market. When a couple died in the drought, instead of replanting, they removed the old tree and bricked in the space. Now there’s a puddle that evaporates… (READ MORE)
Last Saturday at the Arboretum
Cut Roses
It is a delight to be arriving at the time of season when cutting roses (in advance of dead-heading) and harvesting edibles (to make way for more growth) is a large part of tending the garden–full on reciprocal nurturing. Peace… (READ MORE)
Found Assemblage (Following Directions)
Happy, Overly Optimistic, or Just Plain Crazy?
It’s not something I see everyday: a whistling old man sticking his thumb out for a ride. Pretty sure the first ride he will be offered (or would actually take) is the bus, but I imagine he will be happy… (READ MORE)