Spicy Delight
New Computer (and the benefits of practice)
My friend D the other week had been talking about how much longer every thing takes to get done in a new city and home (he just moved across country). I was thinking about that as I work to get… (READ MORE)
Alas and Alack (still without my computer)
Last week my computer crashed. I have purchased a new one, but it needs to be configured and brought to the house. With luck, it will be possible to recover all the the data since my last system back-up. I… (READ MORE)
A Graywater Inspiration from Friends (and opening to grace/muscular energy)
When we are on our mats, being open to grace — the first Anusara alignment principle — includes being open to the teachings so that we can receive and act on them in a healing and loving way. Adding to… (READ MORE)
Glad to Have Friends Who Inspire Me to Think
My friend K, whom I love and respect for her very self and for her sustained peace activism, had this attached to an email yesterday: Rev. Howard Thurman (1899-1981): “Don’t ask what the world needs. Rather ask — what makes… (READ MORE)
“Opening to Grace” (and beginner’s mind)
I took this picture the other day when I was walking to work. I have seen TV cameras set up at this spot dozens of times to film news interviews. I have seen tourists galore photographing each other. I’ve seen… (READ MORE)
Devil in the Details (and jnanam bandaha)
The second sutra of the Siva Sutras is “jnanam bandhaha” (knowledge is bondage). In the context of the Siva Sutras, this tells us that getting caught in trying to acquire knowledge of the manifest world and all of its infinite… (READ MORE)
Praying Mantis (and pausing to make offering)
This morning as I approached my office, I noticed in the middle of a wide patch of sidewalk that is flanked by the street on one side and a brick building on the other, with no tree boxes or other… (READ MORE)