Dear Friends,
Hope you all enjoyed the big snow. I missed seeing Saturday regulars and drop-ins with the snow canceling the last day of Willow Street classes and December’s Serenity Saturday.
If you are in need of a little last minute, holiday yoga, come join us tonight at William Penn House, 6:30 pm, all levels class.
For a great way to begin the year, on New Year’s Day itself, come to Capitol Hill Yoga for “Flow Into Grace” a heart-opening, body-shifting (gently), and intention-setting workshop with a combination of all-levels flow and yoga nidra. To register, please visit, Late night revelers welcome; it doesn’t start til mid afternoon!
I’ll be taking my own holiday break so no Wm Penn or house classes next week, while I am in NY visiting friends, family, and enjoying the delights of the city.
Wm. Penn and house classes resume the first week of January. That week is also free class week at Willow Street Yoga Center ( I’ll be offering 8:30 am level 2 and 12 noon Gentle/Therapeutics on Saturday, January 9th.
If you were registered for Serenity Saturday in December, call Capitol Hill Yoga to switch your registration to New Year’s “Flow into Grace” or January’s Serenity Saturday (January 16th).
May you all have healthy and delightful holidays whether traveling or staying at home.
Peace and light,