Miscellaneous (blog matters, etc)

Web Version of Hot Summer E-Newsletter

Dear Friends, Recent newsletters I have received from well-known yoga teachers, in addition to sharing their wonderful offerings and teachings about yoga, have included references to the Gulf Oil Spill, the on-going economic crisis, and the humanitarian tragedies in Chili… (READ MORE)


March News (website version of e-newsletter)

Dear Friends, It has been a longer winter than usual for DC, but that will make spring even more special.  This month is filled with opportunities to start to flower along with everything around us, including your own garden. Tuesday… (READ MORE)


Thaw Your Muscles and Melt Into Bliss (Web Version of E-Mailing)

Dear Friends, It was indeed a relief that no more snow accumulated over the weekend and the storm passed to the north.  The sidewalks are starting to clear.  If you look carefully, you can see leaf buds starting to emerge… (READ MORE)
